Prime Video的第一大喜剧回归!在第三季中,最近下载的内森和诺拉在拿下Freeyond的同时开始了一段IRL关系。与此同时,内森的数字复制品在“湖景”被赋予了生命,在那里他与英格丽探索了另一条道路。阿丽莎升任经理,有了新的职场恋情,孤独的卢克在灰色地带找工作。
Jack, given the task of cleaning up the CIA, makes difficult decisions that have immediate consequences. A cartel operator moves in the shadows to organize an important meeting.
Follows a group of traveling salesmen hawking lunar timeshares.
Since its global debut on Apple TV , Physical has drawn acclaim from audiences and critics alike, as well as praise for performances by its ensemble cast led by “perfectly cast” and “masterful” Rose Byrne, and stars Rory Scovel, Dierdre Friel and Paul Sparks.Set in the idyllic but fragile beach paradise of sunny 1980s San Diego, Physical is a half-hour dark comedy following Sh...
[月光男孩]、《有色眼镜》男星贾雷尔·杰罗姆将主演新剧《我是处女座》(I’m A Virgo,暂译)。布茨·赖利([抱歉打扰])担任剧集运作人。该剧将围绕一位居住在奥克兰的13英尺高的黑人展开,剧集被描述为“黑暗、荒诞、搞笑、意义重大”。
本剧是Pete Davidson,经常与他合作的朋友Dave Sirus以及《崩溃人生》的Judah Miller将联合担任编剧的半自传题材喜剧,Lorne Michaels的制作公司将为其保驾护航。主角会是以Pete为灵感的虚构角色;透过角色的视角,观众将看到那些启发了他喜剧创意的个人经历、有些荒谬的故事以及他对一些事物的独特观点。剧集预计会拥有Larry David与《抑制热情》那样的调性,将会成为Pete首个常规电视项目。
一名即将退休的中情局探员发现了一个家族秘密,并被迫重返一线,去完成最后一项任务。这部剧集在间谍、动作和幽默的全球背景下讲述了普遍存在的家庭关系。尼克·桑多拉担任剧集主管和监制,阿诺·施瓦辛格担任主演和监制。《FUBAR》的监制团队还包括亚当·希格斯、斯科特·沙利文、霍莉·达尔,以及比尔·博斯特和 Skydance 的大卫·埃里森、达娜·哥德伯格。
Maggie and Negan travel into a post-apocalyptic Manhattan long ago cut off from the mainland. The city is filled with the dead and denizens who have made New York City their own world.
About the residents of a small town called Deerfield, who one day discover a magical, destiny-predicting machine in their grocery store.
That '90s Show is an upcoming American television period sitcom set in the 1990s featuring characters and locales debuted in its predecessor That '70s Show, which originally aired on Fox from 1998 to 2006.The show will revolve around Leia Forman, the daughter of Eric Forman and Donna Pinciotti, forming bonds with other teenagers as she spends the summer of 1995 with her grandp...
Peggy, a former addict, who decides to make a new start after the death of her beloved mother with whom she lived in the small desert town of Yucca Valley, California, makes a life-changing decision to become a private investigator.
Follows Mae Cannon as she finds herself restless inside a marriage that totally works. A new fantastical journey will take her to parallel universes.
《凶宅处理专员 The Surrealtor》讲述房地产经纪Nick Roman及他的精英团队专门负责一种案子:会把买家吓跑,确实在闹鬼的凶宅。不过在调查﹑处理凶宅的过程中,主角们在这环境下也得和自己心魔作较量。
Apple TV 预定气候变化题材诗选类剧集《外推》。本剧来自《秘密特工》编剧Scott Z. Burns,他将担任编剧、导演和执行制片。剧集会讲述私人且意料之外的故事,地球面临的变化是如何在个人和人类层面影响着我们的爱、信仰、工作及家庭。通过8集有内在关联的故事呈现,每个故事都将追踪21世纪以来,世界各地为了我们共同生存而进行的斗争。
Finally, a sequel to the seminal Mel Brooks film, HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART I, with each episode featuring a variety of sketches that take us through different periods of human history.
Amazon宣布续订The Summer I Turend Pretty第二季。