Starring and executive produced by Tom Holland, “The Crowded Room” is a gripping, 10-episode limited series that stars Holland as Danny Sullivan, a man who is arrested following his involvement in a shooting in New York City in 1979. A captivating thriller told through a series of interviews with curious interrogator Rya Goodwin (Amanda Seyfried), Danny’s life story unfolds, r...
Z世代业余侦探Darby Hart(艾玛·科林 饰)和其余八位客人受一个隐居的亿万富豪(克里夫·欧文 饰)邀请,来到一处偏远但豪华的地方参与静修。当其中一位客人被发现死亡后,Darby必须赶在凶手再次出手前,运用她的所有技能来证明这是起与利益竞争有关的谋杀。